
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I or someone I love has a problem with addiction?

Addiction is a disease, involving the progressive habitual use of drugs and/or alcohol in spite of physical, social, occupational, and/or financial consequences. Common signs include an increased tolerance for and consumption of substances; physical, psychological, and behavioral withdrawal symptoms; and loss of control.

How can I get help?

Ascensa Health provides residential and outpatient addiction treatment and support services to adults and their families. Contact Ascensa Health Admissions/Intake Department to discuss eligibility requirements and availability of treatment options. Staff members can assist you or refer you to the appropriate service provider.

For referral or admission to Ascensa Health detoxification unit, residential and outpatient treatment programs, please contact Ascensa Health’s Admissions Department at (404) 249-6272

Are Ascensa Health services licensed and accredited?

Ascensa Health is licensed by the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division of the Department of Community Health and accredited by the Commission on Accreditation and Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

Where is Ascensa Health located?

Ascensa Health’s administrative offices are located in midtown Atlanta at 139 Renaissance Parkway, NE. Residential and outpatient treatment services are provided in seven area facilities.

What are Ascensa Health hours of operation?

While Ascensa Health’s residential programs operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day, administrative office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. The Admissions / Intake Department is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

How can I help Ascensa Health in its mission?

Ascensa Health depends on the generosity of people in our community to help provide quality care to those in need. Financial and in-kind donations are welcomed. Gifts of any size are appreciated and every gift makes a difference. There are many ways to Donate.

What is drug and alcohol addiction?

Addiction is a disease, involving the progressive habitual use of drugs and/or alcohol in spite of physical, social, occupational, and/or financial consequences.

What are the signs of addiction?

Common signs of addiction include:

  • Increased Tolerance – continually increasing the amount of drugs and/or alcohol to achieve the desired effect.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms – experiencing physical, psychological, and behavioral changes when use of substances is discontinued.
  • Increased Consumption – consuming larger amounts of substances over a longer period of time.
  • Desire to Change – having a persistent desire to control the use of drug and alcohol consumption.
  • Lack of Control – being unsuccessful at cutting back on drug and alcohol use.
  • Altered lifestyle – spending large amounts of time in activities to obtain, use, or recover from substance abuse and, as a result, giving up or reducing important social, occupational, or recreational activities.
  • Habitual Use Despite Health Concerns – continuing to use drugs and/or alcohol even though there is a persistent or recurring physical or psychological problem caused by substance abuse.

How can addiction affect a person's health?

Drug and alcohol abuse can destroy a person’s health. In fact, substance abuse causes more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other preventable health condition today. Physical and psychological complications resulting from addiction are numerous and include the following:

  • Irritability
  • Mood disturbances
  • Paranoia and hallucinations
  • Impaired memory and learning
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea
  • High blood pressure
  • Disturbances in heart rhythm
  • Chest pain
  • Heart failure
  • Respiratory failure
  • Strokes
  • Seizures

Are addiction and mental illness related?

Addiction and mental illness are closely related. It is estimated that of adults with substance dependence or abuse, 20.4% also have a serious mental illness. Moreover, adults who use illicit drugs are more than twice as likely to have a serious mental illness than adults who did not use illicit drugs.

How can addiction affect the family?

People with addiction do not suffer alone. For every individual with substance use disorder, there are family members and friends who must cope with the emotional, physical, and spiritual hardships caused by his/her addiction. Approximately one out of every four Americans experience family problems related to alcohol abuse.

The painful effects substance abuse can have on family members and friends are commonly referred to as Co-Dependency. Common signs and symptoms of Co-Dependency include anxiety, increased sense of responsibility, guilt, anger, insecurity, low self-esteem, over-commitment, stress, and feelings of being used and unappreciated.

How does parental substance abuse affect children?

The affects of parental substance abuse are numerous and include emotional distress, isolation, depression, low self-esteem, truancy, delayed psychosocial development, and poor grades. Children living with an addicted parent are also at risk of developing addictions of their own. In fact, children of alcohol-abusing parents are four times more likely than other children of becoming alcoholics themselves, and children of drug-abusing parents are the highest risk group for developing drug addictions.

Another serious effect of parental addiction is child abuse and neglect. Children of a substance-abusing parent are three times more likely to be verbally, physically, or sexually abused and are four times more likely to be neglected. Therefore, addiction can be indirectly detrimental to the health and welfare of the child.

How does addiction affect the workplace?

Substance abuse is a major issue for American business and labor. Substance-abusing employees are:

  • 10 times more likely to miss work
  • 6 times more likely to be involved in on-the-job accidents
  • 5 times more likely to injure themselves or someone else
  • Generally less productive
  • Likely to exhibit or develop poor working habits
  • Likely to reduce morale among other workers
  • Likely to increase turnover rates
  • As a result, the cost of drug and alcohol addiction to American businesses is dramatic. It is estimated that substance abuse costs the workplace more than $100 billion per year. Moreover, addicted employees are more likely to file worker’s compensation claims, use up more benefits, and have medical expenses that are 300% higher than average.

How is addiction related to the incidence of crime?

Drug and alcohol addiction greatly increases the incidence of crime. A recent study found that at least half of adults arrested for major crimes, including homicide, theft, and assault, tested positive for drugs at the time of their arrest. The report also found that among those convicted of violent crimes, approximately 50% of state prison inmates and 40% of federal prisoners had been drinking or taking drugs at the time of their offense.

Can treatment help drug and alcohol abusers recover from addiction?

The good news for persons struggling with drug and alcohol addiction is that treatment works. It is reported that substance abuse treatment cuts drug use in half and reduces criminal activity up to 80%. Moreover, treatment of addiction has a much higher success rate than treatment for other types of chronic illness, such as diabetes, emphysema, or high blood pressure.

The benefits of treatment include:

  • Reduced substance abuse
  • Decreased criminal activity
  • Increased employment
  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Reduced family problems
  • Reduced incidences of child abuse and neglect
  • Decreased homelessness and dependence on public assistance

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