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Recovery Stories

We make a difference every day to individuals and families in need. Read real stories submitted by current and former individuals served by Ascensa Health.
“The staff care about each one of us that come thru this program.”
I decided to stay and do Residential Treatment and MAT. I can honestly say that the people here have helped me out with my legal issues, finding inner peace, and just being able to be myself. I feel so safe in this environment and since I have been here I have learned coping skills and tools to use outside of treatment.

“I enjoyed 2.5 years of freedom from alcohol before my refusal to accept that I am unable to just drink moderately.”

I decided to come back to treatment and I am more open to learning about my disease. Last time, I was not completely open and did not fully accept that I am an alcoholic. Losing my career and my sobriety has shown me exactly how dangerous my disease is.

“This program has opened my mind and spirit in ways that I can’t even imagine.”

I have been to multiple programs, but none such as this. This program has begun to rebuild the bridges that I severely burned. It has rekindled relationships with my family and my wife that I dearly love. I was on a path to losing everything and I was nearly dead. This program saved my life.

“I was homeless before coming here, spent all my money on drugs and alcohol, no shower, dirty clothes. I went to the bus stop and told them my story.”

The ticketman told me about Ascensa Health and bought me a ticket to come here. I am learning about my addiction everyday, how my life is unmanageable, to submit to my disease. I started to read everything to do with recovery. I am very thankful for today, because one day at a time we do recover.

“When I accepted that being in treatment was what I needed, my life started to change for the better.”

My days got easier, my spirit got lighter, I changed my way of thinking. I’ve learned to process my feelings, a lot of coping skills, how to choose who I surround myself with, and utilize my sober network. I’m taking my sobriety seriously and doing whatever steps I need to make it work.

“When I arrived here, I was beaten up, starving, had lost all hope, hated myself, and I knew that everyone I knew also hated me. I knew that miracles were happening at Ascensa Health.”

If I had not come here that day, I do not believe that I would be alive today. I felt a higher power coming through the love of the staff, like someone actually cared if I made it. The staff here helped me to get to know me. Now I am back in my family’s life. I am forever grateful.